
Geothermal Borehole Installation.

Ebrington Square, Derry - Londonderry

On this project we installed:

  • 30 Geothermal Boreholes
  • Precision drilling to 140m deep
  • Installation of HDPE U-probes to 30 x 140m deep boreholes
  • Thermal grouting of 30 x 140m boreholes
  • 14 x 2 /3 Port Fusion Welded Geothermal Manifolds

Problem to be solved

Sensitively integrating 21st century technologies in the historical Ebrington Square regeneration project, whilst protecting the square’s architectural integrity was paramount in the provision of a Renewable Energy System. The scale of the square was also a challenge given its historical context. As a benchmark, the square is over 5 acres in size and comparatively is larger than both Donegall Square in Belfast and Trafalgar Square in London.


Daly provided the expertise, designing the intricate scheme. Daly specified 30 x 140m deep boreholes, which involved extensive drilling, grouting of boreholes and the installation of HDPE U-probes and manifolds.

The full story

The regeneration of the historical Ebrington Square in Derry-Londonderry was an ambitious one, given its scale and historical significance. The aspiration of the project is to create a 21st century state of the art multi-purpose public space and cultural hub by developing the former Parade Ground.

When completed, the square will boast its public space and cultural development credentials, by hosting accommodation in the renovated Army Barracks, with public and social amenities to include coffee shops, libraries, theatres and art galleries.

Guardianship of the square’s historical and architectural integrity was paramount. The aspiration was to sensitively integrate the most innovative utilities the 21st century has to offer into the square which dates back to the mid-19th century.

Daly Renewables was commissioned as the Renewable Energy Expert on this ground-breaking project in 2010. We designed the scheme and project managed the extensive drilling and grouting of the boreholes together with the installation of HDPE U-probes and manifolds. This involved the supply, installation and commissioning of 30 Geothermal Boreholes to a depth of 140m each.

Two Geothermal Rigs drilling boreholes prior to landscaping works


Geothermal Borehole Rig Drilling Boreholes to depth of 140m.JPG


Geothermal Borehole Grouting using Bentonite Mix


Ebrington – Boreholes 1-6 with geothermal probes left up to connect to manifolds.


Geothermal Borehole Fusion Welded Manifold Chamber.